Low Back Pain: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

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Low back pain can often be caused by problems with the local facet joints or by herniated discs,  also known as slipped or ruptured discs. These structural problems are a common cause of lower back pain and can lead to various other spinal problems. Understanding the causes, symptoms, and treatment options for lower back pain is crucial for managing its causes effectively.

Causes of Low Back Pain

Low back pain typically occurs due to wear and tear on the spine over time, leading to disc and joint degeneration. Factors such as aging, trauma, repetitive movements, improper lifting techniques, and obesity can contribute to disc and/or joint degeneration and increase the risk of low back pain. 

Symptoms Related to Low Back Pain

If you are dealing with the impact of a low back pain, then your body will let you know. Depending on the location of the severity of the herniated disc, the common symptoms may include: 

  • Stabbing, aching, sharp, and/or other types of pain with movement
  • Radiating pain that travels down the arms or legs (sciatica)
  • Numbness or tingling sensations
  • Muscle weakness 
  • Difficulty walking 
  • Difficulty standing for prolonged periods

Treatment Options for Low Back Pain

Treatment for low back pain  aims to relieve pain, reduce inflammation, and improve mobility. Conservative treatments include rest, physical therapy, pain medications, and epidural steroid injections. However, these approaches may only provide temporary benefits and do not address the underlying degenerative disc or joint issues.

Regenerative medicine, such as stem cell activation and other biological  alternatives, offers a promising approach to helping to address the inflammatory and degenerative effects leading to low back pain, targeting the root cause of degenerative spinal issues. Stem cell activation, a key component of regenerative medicine, harnesses the regenerative potential of your own stem cells to help repair damaged tissues and promote healing.

In conclusion, low back pain  can cause significant discomfort and impact daily life. Understanding the causes, recognizing the symptoms, and exploring advanced treatment options, such as regenerative medicine and stem cell activation, can lead to better outcomes and long-term relief for individuals suffering from low back pain.

ReCELLebrate: Hope For the Future 

Dr. Jeff Gross and the team at ReCELLebrate specialize in regenerative medicine and are renowned stem cell experts in treating low back pain. Their expertise lies in utilizing natural and biological alternatives to traditional therapies, focusing on restoring disc and joint  function and structure rather than just managing symptoms. 

By leveraging the power of stem cells for helping to treat lower back pain, Dr. Gross and his team offer innovative solutions that address these types of spinal problems, by promoting tissue regeneration, and improving overall spine health.

When seeking for options and alternatives to help address low back pain from degenerative disc problems or inflammatory degeneration of the spinal facet joints, contact us today to chat with a stem cell expert and find help through regenerative medicine!