Best Alternative Treatments for Recurrent Dislocations

Shoulder dislocation stem cell therapy
  Reading time 3 minutes

Recurrent dislocations, such as hip dislocations and dislocated ankles, can be a frustrating and painful experience, leaving individuals feeling trapped in a cycle of instability and discomfort. 

If you’ve ever felt the agony of a joint slipping out of place unexpectedly, you understand the emotional toll it takes. The inability to enjoy activities you love, the fear of movement, and the constant worry about your joints giving way can be overwhelming. 

Whether you are an aspiring athlete or simply someone who performs physically demanding tasks as part of your daily routine, the impact of recurrent dislocations is undeniable.

Understanding the root causes of recurrent dislocations is crucial in finding effective alternative treatments, such as cell-based alternatives. Certain joints, like the ‘AC’ joint and ‘SC’ joint, might be permanently dislocated, but most commonly, it is the glenohumeral joint, commonly known as the shoulder, that experiences recurrent dislocations. 

This joint often becomes dislocated due to excessive strain, sudden impacts, or awkward movements. But the issue extends beyond the shoulder – dislocations can occur in other areas of your body. Here are some of the most common types of joint dislocations: 

  • Dislocated Shoulder 
  • Dislocated Ankle
  • Dislocated Knee
  • Hip Dislocation

Let’s take a closer look at the reasons behind recurrent dislocations:

  • Muscular Weakness- Insufficient muscle strength around the joint can lead to instability, increasing the risk of dislocation.
  • Connective Tissue Issues- Ligaments, tendons, and other connective tissues play a vital role in joint stability. Damage to these structures can result in recurrent dislocations.
  • Trauma– A single traumatic incident or repeated minor injuries can contribute to joint instability and dislocations.
  • Improper Movement Patterns– Incorrect body mechanics during physical activities can strain the joints, making them more susceptible to dislocations.
  • Genetic Predisposition– Some individuals are genetically prone to having lax joints, making dislocations more likely.

When it comes to addressing recurrent dislocations, exploring alternative treatments becomes essential. Among these alternatives, stem cell activation also known as cell-based alternative therapies is emerging as a beacon of hope. 

At ReCELLebrate, we utilise stem-cell alternatives such as stem cell activation to address recurring dislocations. Under the guidance and care of stem cell expert Dr. Jeffrey Gross, we specialize in providing non-surgical bio-regenerative stem cell derived alternatives to patients struggling with debilitating dislocations. 

Dr. Gross’ expertise and experience make him a trusted figure for those seeking a stem cell activation beyond conventional surgical approaches. Contact us today to chat with our stem cell experts about the healing and restoration of stem cell activation!